You might have noticed that the blog has had a bit of a revamp. Thanks to the technical genius of Mr Birdie we’ve (well he …
Strawberry Pavalova

baking & blogging by a busy twin mum
You might have noticed that the blog has had a bit of a revamp. Thanks to the technical genius of Mr Birdie we’ve (well he …
Somehow I am now the proud Mummy to two five year olds. The last five years seem to have passed by in a bit of …
When my twin sidekicks started school last September I had all kinds of plans for how much baking I would do. Whilst there has been …
When we moved into our house (nearly 8 years ago now – how time flies!) we were lucky to not only inherit some very fruitful …
So the end of lockdown is now in sight (thank goodness!) However, we are still in need of lockdown activities to entertain us in the …
So this week my babies turned 4. How time flies when you’re running around after 2 Disney princess-obsessed little ladies. For months the request had …
Well here we are post Christmas in Lockdown 3. January has felt like 474 days rather than 31 days and the weather seems to be …
It’s definitely been a very autumnal weekend here in Hampshire with wind, rain and a definite drop in the temperature. We were in need of …
It was Mr Birdie’s birthday today so of course myself and my little helpers had to make him a cake. I spotted this Tesco recipe …
By some kind of miracle I’ve managed 2 bakes in the last week – mostly inspired by the stash of blackberries we’ve gathered on quite …